i hear it's a virtue...
sometimes i have it, and sometimes i don't
okay, not very profound, but true!
soy hoy agradecido para:
penis sculptures in seemingly unlikely places ;)
having patience and perserverence with my ipod that read: no files on ipod (with an image). ut oh!
here i was at a client's house, now with no music...mercury in retrograde, and an old ipod - feeling as though i don't have the funds to replace it. que lastima! so i came home, read the apple site on troubleshooting and tried everything. nothing! i gave up for a while, and when i tried again, voila, everything seems cool. success! and, it gave me something focused to do for a while ;)
clients calling for massages - even if they are not all booking due to scheduling, it's nice to know i'm saught after and that work is coming. energetically, it's important right now
EDD checks, despite their miniscule nature
burrito dinnner plans, depsite my still somewhat dodgy stomach
so far not having to actually go in for jury duty...may it last through the week and get me off the hook till my next summons!
wow I think I've expericed phalus in all those shapes and sizes! -cs
funny, i was comment on YOUR photo.
i love your photo. the colors, the fuzziness of the insect, and your love for it and it's genus. cool!
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