Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Today I am grateful for having people in my life who have knowledge about life experiences that are new and different for me.
I'm grateful for the ways I've changed over the years.
I'm grateful for meeting someone who is able to be open with his feelings.
I'm grateful for feeling secure.
I'm grateful for sweat.

Have you ever noticed that people try to scare the shit out of you if you decide to leave the United States? "They" say every country in the world is dangerous and as soon as you cross our borders only bad things will happen. You will get diseases that could kill you, get robbed, attacked, bitten by dogs (or bats) with rabies, raped while walking in nature, your head might explode because of the altitude sickness, the food is poisoned with toxic stuff that our systems can't handle, diarrhea...what else? I'm sure I've forgotten something. Even Australia has crazy warnings about getting bitten by poisonous snakes or eating venom-filled fish unknowingly. It's my least favorite part of traveling.

I'm grateful I've survived "dangerous" places and know enough not to believe the hype.

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