Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mountain Spring

  • Today I am grateful for being fertile at forty - yup, that's right. I can have a kid if I want one - at least, that's what it looks like today. I got to see my uterus and ovaries today! That was really interesting and I'm grateful that this opportunity to learn more about my body came to me out of the blue - and I got paid for it!

  • I am also grateful for a poem I read that was written by an old woman who died in a nursing home. It touched me and brought me back to all of the times I visited my parents in hospitals and nursing homes - I wish everyone who worked at these places could read this poem and see that the old people they are caring for are still alive with their spirits intact. They don't deserve to be cast aside because they've lost their youth. So - I am also grateful to have had these experiences with my parents because they have helped me to understand just a bit of what it's like to grow old and loose things that you've always taken for granted.

  • I am grateful for noticing how much I take for granted - things can change in an instant, people can be gone from our lives in an instant. I don't want to take anything for granted - I feel truly blessed for everything...

  • I am grateful for my feelings and my ability to express them more freely than I ever have.

  • I am grateful I woke up at 6:30 this morning and am now tired enough to get a good night's sleep and do it again tomorrow.

  • I am grateful for heat on this cold night.

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