Monday, February 12, 2007

gratitudinally speaking...

before, being grateful eluded to the grateful dead for me. i didn't really know any other meaning...over the years, with great care and time, things have shifted. slowly at first, and now, with greater force and resonance. for THAT i'm eternally grateful!

a few weeks ago, i was invited to share in a sort of gratitude circle. and for that i am also grateful. i've been practicing "the attitude of gratitude" since.

so, i'll post my "gratitudinals" from today, monday feb 12th, '007....

i am grateful for:

* catching up on my sleep over the weekend
* the gifts i am being given (oddly, people keep giving me things lately)
* finally seeing "the secret" from start to finish
* a hour to putter/chill before i have to leave for work
* the ability to face conflict with diplomacy (most of the time)

in our little email circle, we often/sometimes also include an intent for the day as well as an affirmation. i sometimes do, and sometimes don't. today i did. these tend to repeat. practice makes perfect! ;)

intent: truth
affirmation: yes i can!

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