Sunday, December 2, 2007

windy gray sunday

Today I am oh so grateful for all of our fantastic friends who showed their support at our baby shower! I am sorry I didn't get to spend more quality time with everyone but it was fun to connect with everyone at the same time in my new home and to open all those presents! I truly felt the love and it was awesome! Thanks!

I'm grateful to Jen for being such an awesome friend/party planner/organizer/hostess/cook/and everything else I haven't mentioned. Thank you!

I'm grateful to Pete for spending so much time cooking, cleaning and hosting the party and for not buckling under the general stress of becoming a father. And for letting people know how he feels.

I'm grateful that everyone played so well together.

I'm grateful for having the opportunity to see people I haven't spent time with in a while and for meeting new people.

I'm grateful for the prenatal yoga community that I am beginning to connect with and for the teacher who told me to have more fun.

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