Thursday, November 22, 2007

turkey thanks & forgiving

I woke up feeling the need to forgive today. I will start by forgiving myself. Nuff said.

I am grateful for:

good friends, old friends, new friends...the whole lot
a drama-free turkey day with the "in-laws"
a warm, cozy, clean home - I appreciate all of my man's efforts to keep it this way
reminders - someone told me yesterday one of the keys to good relationships is to picture the person (mate, parent, friend, whomever) at their ultimate best self and always keep that picture in mind, even when you are feeling otherwise. I am grateful this was shared with me - a new thing to strive for and wouldn't it be just wonderful if people walked around assuming the best of each other rather than being judgemental?

I had another thought that has to do with worry. I find myself worrying about people I'm close to from time to time yet I absolutely hate it when people worry about me. I think it might be a better use of thought power, energy and "worry time" to picture people at their best and cloak them in light and positive thoughts.

I'm grateful I have a safe place to come home to every day.

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