Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Know thyself

Today I am grateful for:

  • my ability to reflect on my behavior in order to understand my self and the way I impact others
  • "You can't fix this"
  • being the way I am - even though I sometimes drive myself (and others) crazy, it's okay and I continue to learn how I got here and why I do the things I do
  • believing that everything I need will come to me easily and the universe will provide when I do the legwork
  • having someone close who focuses on savoring "the moment" and teaches by example
  • starting to get out of my head and relax into what is happening now
  • acceptance and trust
  • a tiny crack that is open to receive - the Berlin Wall came down...

1 comment:

Crystal Kae Taylor said...

5 things-
parents who live close by!
Pixel, who woke me up by meowing outside my window. I would have overslept otherwise!