Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Eating Figs at Twilight

I am grateful that I have a ripe juicy fig, waiting to be peeled and succulently lapped up, making me a slave to whomever dares to pluck my delicious fig and devour me whole. Aren't you grateful to have a delicious fig too? All you have to do is look down, between your legs....(I'm looking for the poem...I may have to email the author...I can't wait to share it!)

I'm grateful for another night of uninterrupted sleep!

I'm grateful for ladies in maternity stores who take pity on me and let me pee in their bathrooms!

I am grateful for a rare rainy, foggy summer morning in San Francisco.

I am grateful to be blessed with so many strong, interesting, intelligent, generous, adventurous and open-minded girlfriends.

I'm grateful for strong coffee.

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