Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Today I am grateful for my therapist, who helps me see that what I am doing is difficult and important for my future. Sometimes I loose sight of that. And I'm grateful for Amy's wisdom that this path has not yet been paved so it's understandable when moments of doubt creep in.

I am grateful for a new understanding and empathy for people who feel like shit all the time because their body doesn't let them function the way they want to. My stomach issue has me feeling fatigued and unable to function as I was a few weeks ago and it's a real drag.

I am grateful that I can exercise and that it makes me feel good and that I'm getting stronger despite the things I mentioned above.

I am grateful for the courage I have today to not eat away my emotions. I look forward to a day when this is not a struggle. Food is a hard substance to master and it can't be cut out like other vices can. Funny how a stomach bug can force you to deal with your issues and stop sabotaging - or at least notice when you are doing it.

I am grateful that I have time to wallow in my emotions and not have any schedule or obligations to pretty myself up for.

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