Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Stretching the possibilities

Today I am grateful for:
  • all of the people who contribute to gratitudinals
  • my iPod
  • my apartment being exactly how I left it (clean)
  • coffee
  • little dogs who keep me warm
  • feeling happy
  • feeling carefree - it's amazing how difficult this is sometimes and sometimes I feel guilty about feeling this way when I do, which seems ridiculous. Today I am tossing it all to the wind and I am not going to worry about anything.
  • flowers blooming every where!
I'm grateful that I connected with my former meditation teacher Tamara when she was visiting in March and for her continued mantra: "Stretch your possibilities".

1 comment:

Jen Murphy said...

Oooh, little dogs who keep you warm, just warms my heart!!!!!