Wednesday, April 25, 2007

the hump

Today I am filled with blessings!

Ok - here's a challenge for all you gratitudinals - who can come up with the most creative way of saying, "today I'm grateful for..." I will be filled to the brim, bursting at my seams with butterflies of all colors fluttering out the top of my head if someone can meet my challenge with gusto!

I broke my French Press this morning after I had filled it with almost all of the coffee in my freezer and freshly boiled water - but, I am grateful that no blood was shed and I hobbled away with a minor burn and coffee grinds all over my favorite pink sweater. Do you realize how potentially dangerous your kitchen can be? Anyway, I'm glad it's over and I have more coffee and I can wash the sweater and it wasn't one of those weird emergencies where someone falls and can't get up. And, I am officially done with French Presses - I don't have the patience to deal with them anymore.

I am grateful for surrogate mothers and all of my friends who share their families with me. There is something unique about being included but not having all that potentially dysfunctional history to deal with. I love other people's dysfunctional history! It's so much easier to deal with than my own!

I love YouTube - it's almost cooler than the internet.

I love my bed. I am grateful for waking up without an alarm, listening to the birds chirping outside my window and watching the light filter in through the blinds for as long as I want.

I am grateful for the color green. It makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a lush tropical jungle, or a dewy morning meadow, or standing in a grove of redwoods smelling the moist ground, or sitting on my couch...

Oh - and I'm begrudgingly grateful for feelings. I could write a book about my feelings about feelings but I'll go to therapy instead.

1 comment:

#41x14 said...

hey sweetness, you see that all stainless steel french press at bed bath & beyond? sq