Tuesday, March 27, 2007

bloated gratitude

ugh...tonight I am grateful for big burps - I got sick from the food I ate at Kan Zaman earlier this evening and I feel awful, except for when I burp so I'm grateful for the burps...

More gratitudes:

  • Thanks to Swami G for everything you taught me in my meditation class
  • I'm grateful tonight was the last of my 10 week meditation class - now its up to me to keep up the discipline
  • I'm grateful to Cari for giving me a new and different hair color that I might actually like - caramel

I have to proclaim undying gratitude for my friends once again. One of them told me recently that someone was saying they were worried about me because I don't have parents anymore and I don't have a big family to rely on. I hate that this has become an identifier for me with other people and I hate that people say they worry about me because of this (especially when I don't hear from the people who are saying it).

If it weren't for my amazing friends I might be in worse shape. So all I can say is, if you are worried call me and find out for yourself! I'll probably be okay and if I'm not I probably will be after talking to you. I don't mind talking about "stuff" and I certainly don't mind having fun either. When I'm not okay I cry or go for a walk or eat ice cream or watch a movie or write or call one of my amazing friends. It's just a part of life that I went through a little earlier than some people I know - and it's hard but it's not everything. You will find out for yourselves if you are lucky - one of my favorite sayings.

So I send out a big thank you to all of my wonderful friends where ever you are - you make a big difference in my life. Thanks!

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